Workplace Consulting Services
Make Menopause Work
We can help you make your workplace a menopause-friendly great place to work
Menopausal women are the fastest-growing workplace demographic. Their experience, education, and knowledge give your business a competitive advantage. But many are suffering silently through menopause or dropping out of the workforce altogether.
This represents a cost to organizations as they struggle to hold on to female leaders, and a cost to women. Women want a more supportive and inclusive work culture, and can choose to leave when they don’t feel supported, especially during menopause. Left unaddressed, menopause represents a major barrier to career progression and limits women’s ability to thrive in the workplace.
The good news is that workplace fixes are not terribly costly or burdensome; they might be as simple as awareness and education. And the benefits certainly outweigh the costs. The benefits of making your organization more receptive to and understanding of menopausal issues include:
Increased employee retention
Reduced absenteeism
Improved productivity
Enhanced employee engagement
Better recruitment and retention